Interesting Cat Facts

The earliest authenticated record of domesticated cats is from ancient Egypt around 1500BC.

The earliest record of domesticated cats in the UK is from Wales dated 936AD. A welsh prince passed a law for their protection.

95 per cent of UK cats are non-pedigree "moggies".

The brain of a cat is biologically more similar to a human brain than that of a dog. Both humans and cats have identical regions of the brain that are responsible for emotions.

The collective noun for cats is a "clowder". Confirmed by Chambers Dictionary.

Cats have around 100 different sounds in their vocabulary whereas a dog only has around 10.

A cat has 245 bones whereas an adult human has 206.

Just like snowflakes and human finger prints no two cat nose prints are the same.

Some cats have extra toes they are termed Polydactyl. Normal cats have 5 toes on each front paw and 4 on each back paw. The extra toe is due to a mutant gene passed down to an offspring. Most polydactyls have one or two extra toes but occasionally groupings of 3 or 4 have been found.